American Heroes Channel

American Heroes Channel

American Heroes Channel brings you the stories and exploits of heroes of past and present through video photos, and articles. We also cover current events, anniversaries, and anything else that we think would be of interest to those who follow military history and history in general.

United States

TV guide - Wednesday, 05/22/2024

12:00 AM
Inside Secret Societies
Unearthing the secrets of a widespread criminal gang in the heart of Japan who are engaged in a variety of criminal activity including extortion, prostitution and illegal gambling.
01:00 AM
Inside Secret Societies
Delving into the world of the KKK, which is just a shadow of its former self, and looking at the impact the group has had on America.
02:00 AM
Inside Secret Societies
Exploring the secrets of The Assassins, one of the mostly deadly, notorious and secretive groups in the Medieval world, and discovering whether their skills and tactics been passed down and copied by today's Islamic terrorists.
03:00 AM
Inside Secret Societies
Uncovering the history of the overwhelming military power of the Nazis, including their strong belief in ancient mysticism, the occult, and even alien contact which fueled their desire to rule as a genetically pure super-race.
04:00 AM
Inside Secret Societies
Investigating the mysterious secret society known as 'The Priory of Sion' that traces its roots back to the 12th Century and is believed to protect incontrovertible, if heretical, information about the marriage of Jesus Christ.
05:00 AM
Inside Secret Societies
Shedding light on the Brotherhood of Blood, a dark and mysterious sect sworn to protect and preserve the Holy Blood of Christ and revealing the extreme methods the Brotherhood used.
06:00 AM
Forbidden History
Jamie Theakston investigates Johann Reichhart, a German executioner who killed approximately 3,000 people during World War II.
07:00 AM
Forbidden History
The Vatican Secret Archives is a treasure trove of history that is shrouded in secrecy; Jamie Theakston heads to Rome in a bid to gain access.
08:00 AM
Forbidden History
The extraordinary story of the Bulgarian secret department called Service 7, a force that operated in 9 countries.
09:00 AM
Forbidden History
Templar fact and fiction have become blurred by their depictions in book and on film. This program presents a very different picture that challenges head on the orthodox beliefs about an order that angered much of Europe - particularly France.
10:00 AM
Forbidden History
Mary Magdalene, a key figure in Christianity, traveled with Jesus and is said to have witnessed his crucifixion and resurrection.
11:00 AM
Forbidden History
Mystery still surrounds how fascist dictator Benito Mussolini met his end, before being hanged.
12:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
Since ancient times, man has gone to extreme and often deadly lengths to get gold, one of the rarest treasures on Earth; looking at where the gold is today and who owns it.
01:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
A secret part of history has remained hidden, locked away for centuries in the hulls of ships in New York and in the depths of an abandoned copper mine.
02:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
The secrets and scandals surrounding the Vatican are some of the darkest in all of history.
03:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
Exploring whether the attack on Pearl Harbor was really a surprise, if FDR knew about the attack beforehand, and who really fired the first shots of the Pacific War.
04:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
American code breakers have given the United States an edge in every conflict in American history.
05:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
A secret society gathers in the dead of night and plots the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln; U.S. spymaster Allan Pinkerton stops Confederate agents before they can topple the Union.
06:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
Exploring whether the attack on Pearl Harbor was really a surprise, if FDR knew about the attack beforehand, and who really fired the first shots of the Pacific War.
07:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
American code breakers have given the United States an edge in every conflict in American history.
09:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
A secret society gathers in the dead of night and plots the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln; U.S. spymaster Allan Pinkerton stops Confederate agents before they can topple the Union.
10:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
Since ancient times, man has gone to extreme and often deadly lengths to get gold, one of the rarest treasures on Earth; looking at where the gold is today and who owns it.
11:00 PM
Codes and Conspiracies
A secret part of history has remained hidden, locked away for centuries in the hulls of ships in New York and in the depths of an abandoned copper mine.

TV guide - Thursday, 05/23/2024

12:00 AM
Codes and Conspiracies
Secrets of gambling mecca Las Vegas include the city's connection to organized crime, crafty tricks used by casinos and why the Nazis considered it a target for sabotage.
01:00 AM
Codes and Conspiracies
American Nazis hold rallies at New York's Madison Square Garden in the 1930s and plot to steal the nation's weapons secrets.
02:00 AM
Codes and Conspiracies
Investigating the possibility that alien beings helped construct pyramids and other earthly monuments; Swiss author Erich von Däniken's works challenge religion and science.
03:00 AM
Codes and Conspiracies
Fascinating facts about America's Founding Fathers reveal which one used sex as a weapon of diplomacy and which one engaged in the nation's greatest cover-up.
04:00 AM
Codes and Conspiracies
Investigating the United States' most infamous cults, from fire-and-brimstone organizations to those worshipping visitors from space.
05:00 AM
Codes and Conspiracies
The U.S. government attempts to create telepathic supersoldiers in the days of the Cold War; criminal Whitey Bulger volunteers to take part in a top-secret CIA mind-control program.
06:00 AM
How the World Ends
Discover the past & future of apocalyptic beliefs, the lengths people will go to ready for the end, and the dark side of End Times prophecy.
07:00 AM
How the World Ends
The Cold War might be long gone, but the nuclear threat has re-emerged.
08:00 AM
How the World Ends
A look back at the terrible epidemics and diseases that have decimated entire populations in the course of human history, as well as a look ahead to the planet's future risks.
09:00 AM
How the World Ends
Exploring the theory that a hidden planet has a gravitational force strong enough to cause mass extinctions in the past and destroy Earth in the future.
10:00 AM
How the World Ends
Nostradamus' cryptic prophecies have predicted some of the most dramatic and tragic events in history with chilling accuracy. There are many among his followers who say that he was not sealing us to this fate but warning us against it.