C-SPAN is a public service created by the American Cable Television Industry. C-SPAN covers floor proceedings of the House of Representatives, while C-SPAN 2 covers floor proceedings of the Senate.

United States

TV guide - Sunday, 05/26/2024

02:27 AM
Evangelical Leader Speaks at Zionist Rabbinic Coalition Conf
Rev. Johnnie Moore, a former commissioner on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, speaks at the Zionist Rabbinic Coalition's annual conference in Washington, DC.
03:40 AM
Campaign 2024
President Biden delivers remarks at the annual Freedom Fund Dinner hosted by the NAACP Detroit Branch.
04:00 AM
Campaign 2024
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the 2024 Libertarian Party Convention in Washington, DC.
06:00 AM
Washington Journal
Semafor's Dave Weigel discusses this weekend's Libertarian party convention and political consultant Louis Perron discusses his book Beat the Incumbent.
08:00 AM
Campaign 2024
Attendees of the Libertarian Party Convention in Washington, DC select a 2024 presidential nominee.
11:03 AM
Secretary of State Blinken Testifies Before Senate Committee
Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies on his department's activities, including U.S. diplomacy, global challenges, and the 2025 budget request, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
01:51 PM
Treasury Secretary in Frankfurt on the U.S.-European Economic Alliance
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen delivers remarks at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management on the importance of the U.S.-European economic alliance.
02:25 PM
Nikki Haley Delivers Remarks as Hudson Institute Chair
Former South Carolina governor and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, who recently dropped her 2024 presidential bid, delivers remarks as the new chair of the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank based in Washington, DC.
03:15 PM
Fmr. Top Adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies on COVID-19 Origins Emails
Dr. David Morens, a former top adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, testifies before a House subcommittee on allegations he erased emails related to the origins of COVID-19.
05:00 PM
Campaign 2024
Attendees of the Libertarian Party Convention in Washington, DC select a 2024 presidential nominee.
07:00 PM
Q & A
Retired U.S. Senate Historian Betty Koed shares stories from her book "Scenes," a collection of brief chronicles of Senate history that she presented to Senators during their Tuesday caucus lunches between 2009 and 2023.
08:01 PM
Prime Minister's Questions
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fields questions from members of the House of Commons on a range of domestic and international issues.
08:41 PM
President Biden & Kenyan President Hold Joint News Conference
President Biden and President William Ruto of Kenya hold a joint news conference at the White House.
09:12 PM
State Dinner for Kenyan President William Ruto
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden host a state dinner honoring the President of Kenya, William Ruto.
10:00 PM
Q & A
Retired U.S. Senate Historian Betty Koed shares stories from her book "Scenes," a collection of brief chronicles of Senate history that she presented to Senators during their Tuesday caucus lunches between 2009 and 2023.
11:01 PM
Prime Minister's Questions
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fields questions from members of the House of Commons on a range of domestic and international issues.
11:41 PM
Public Affairs Events
Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews.
11:58 PM
Sen. Cruz & Attorneys General at Republican Lawyers Conference
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and state attorneys general speak at the Republican National Lawyers Association's policy conference in Arlington, Virginia.

TV guide - Monday, 05/27/2024

02:08 AM
Hearing on Deployment & Use of AI in National Security
Industry leaders in artificial Intelligence (AI) development testify before the House Homeland Security Committee on the deployment and use of AI in national security.
05:00 AM
Q & A
Retired U.S. Senate Historian Betty Koed shares stories from her book "Scenes," a collection of brief chronicles of Senate history that she presented to Senators during their Tuesday caucus lunches between 2009 and 2023.
06:00 AM
Washington Journal
A forum for leading journalists and public policy makers to discuss key events and legislation.
09:02 AM
Congressional Leaders Pay Tribute to the Late Col. Ralph Puckett
The late Col. Ralph Puckett Jr. (RET.), a Korean War veteran and a Medal of Honor awardee, lies in honor at the Capitol in Washington, DC.
09:41 AM
Public Affairs Events
Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews.
10:00 AM
President Biden at Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony
President Biden participates in the annual wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to mark Memorial Day.
10:15 AM
President Biden Delivers Remarks at Memorial Day Ceremony
President Biden delivers remarks at the annual Memorial Day service at Arlington National Cemetery.
11:00 AM
WWII Ghost Army Receives Congressional Gold Medal
Military leaders and lawmakers host a ceremony to award veterans of the World War II Ghost Army with the Congressional Gold Medal.
12:17 PM
Chef Jose Andres on Food Aid in Conflict & Disaster Areas
Chef Jose Andres joins the National Press Club for a conversation on food aid in conflict and disaster zones.
01:30 PM
University of Chicago Discussion With Former White House Chiefs of Staff
The University of Chicago Institute of Politics hosts a discussion with former White House chiefs of staff.
02:40 PM
Public Affairs Events
Public affairs events, congressional hearings, speeches, and interviews.