Discovery Life

Discovery Life

Discovery Life Channel is a network that embraces all of life’s unplanned moments. Discovery Life brings viewers a kaleidoscope of human emotions and experiences through the true stories of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. From critical turning points to unexpected moments, Discovery Life explores how people tackle life’s surprising twists and turns

United States

TV guide - Wednesday, 05/29/2024

12:00 AM
My 600-Lb. Life
At 700 pounds, Ontreon has managed to keep going thanks to his faith in God, and he's training to become a minister; Onteon is hopeful but has to believe in himself.
02:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
A woman undergoes a risky craniotomy; a man searches for answers.
03:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
Twins battle seemingly unrelated illnesses.
04:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
A woman becomes violently ill after a lifetime of good health.
05:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
An ultrasound anomaly worries expectant parents; a biology teacher has a bizarre symptom.
06:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
A teenager fails to hit puberty; a collapsed lung.
07:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
A teen's leg grows so large it affects his mobility.
08:00 AM
Mystery Diagnosis
A child with Hurler's Disease undergoes a stem cell transplant procedure; a woman is diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis; a pacemaker regulates a man's cardiac arrhythmia.
09:00 AM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
9/11 trauma was the trigger for one woman; the lasting effects of a brain hemorrhage.
10:00 AM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Debbie knows the OCD drives her hoarding; Jeff doesn't believe he is a hoarder.
11:00 AM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Linda's family is on the edge of collapse because of her hoarding; Norski has overcome addiction but can she kick the hoarding habit.
12:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Michael has six weeks to clean his house or he will go to jail; a motivational speaker can not manage her own life.
01:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Debbie turned to hoarding after a confession ended her marriage; with illness in her family, Julie hoards to ease the pain.
02:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
A woman and her out of control obsession with bikinis, sweaters and dresses.
03:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Tammy is forced to eat her meals in her car; her sick father is unable to return home from the hospital.
04:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Sharon gets caught stealing from her neighbors; Len must choose between his hoarding and his daughter.
05:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Debbie lost the company of her four children to hoarding; Chip's family of six is forced to live in sixteen hundred square feet of living space.
06:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Patti's extreme hoarding has made it impossible for her daughter to live with her; Jonathan's obsession keeps his three-year-old son from coming in the door.
07:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Cary's paralyzing obsession with Elvis memorabilia has left his New York City apartment virtually uninhabitable.
08:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Debbie lost the company of her four children to hoarding; Chip's family of six is forced to live in sixteen hundred square feet of living space.
09:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Patti's extreme hoarding has made it impossible for her daughter to live with her; Jonathan's obsession keeps his three-year-old son from coming in the door.
11:00 PM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Cary's paralyzing obsession with Elvis memorabilia has left his New York City apartment virtually uninhabitable.

TV guide - Thursday, 05/30/2024

12:00 AM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
A woman and her out of control obsession with bikinis, sweaters and dresses.
01:00 AM
Hoarding: Buried Alive
Tammy is forced to eat her meals in her car; her sick father is unable to return home from the hospital.
02:00 AM
My Teen Is Pregnant and So Am I
Two families welcome a new child; two defiant boyfriends return while another slips away.
03:00 AM
My Teen Is Pregnant and So Am I
Nicole has a c-section and Mariah refuses to help; Kim goes through a painful labor and delivery; Lemhele and Shaniyah go back to therapy.
04:00 AM
My Teen Is Pregnant and So Am I
Nicole makes a controversial announcement; Kim deals with her grandmother; Shaniyah gets induced.
05:00 AM
My Teen Is Pregnant and So Am I
Kim's boyfriend is released from rehab; Nicole and AJ get married; Shaniyah and Lemhele struggle with two new babies in the house; Lorna has a difficult birth.
06:00 AM
I'm Pregnant and...
A couple living in a tent hope to find permanent housing before their baby is born.
06:30 AM
I'm Pregnant and...
A woman who entered prison three months pregnant will raise her baby in prison through the duration of her sentence.
07:00 AM
I'm Pregnant and...
A former heroin addict on methadone has a tough choice.
07:30 AM
I'm Pregnant and...
A pregnant woman struggles with hoarding.
08:00 AM
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
Kristen has been on the birth control patch throughout her four-year relationship; paramedics rush her to the emergency room where a nurse discovers Kristen is giving birth.
08:30 AM
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
After a night of terrible cramps, Nicole takes a hot bath and realizes she is in labor and the baby is breech.
09:00 AM
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
A new mother struggles to lose her baby weight; a mother gets a surprise after having her tubes tied.
09:30 AM
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
A teacher's aide fails to recognize the signs of pregnancy; a 40-year-old is shocked to learn that she is pregnant.
10:00 AM
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
A young mother with a reputation for being a hypochondriac shocks her family when she goes into labor; a couple learns that they are having a baby while at a dinner party.
10:30 AM
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant
A mother mistakes labor pains for kidney stones; after losing weight, a woman discovers she is pregnant.
11:00 AM
Outrageous Births: Tales From the Crib
A baby is born twice; a woman in labor is torn apart by a tornado; a wife gives birth at home.
12:00 PM
Outrageous Births: Tales From the Crib
A woman goes into delivery while in a cab; a life-threatening pregnancy; twin sisters have their babies on the same day.